Sunday 22 April 2012


A strong immune system is the key for a healthy life. Persons with weaker immune system carry more chance of getting sick again and again. A person with a stronger immune system most probably get least damage for any sickness. It is just like the armed forces of a country. A country must have a strong military force to thwart any attack from outside.

Our bodies are our country. We have got  organs to run this country. The immune system is our defence forces.  We must try to improve their effectiveness. This is simple logic.

Medicines are basically toxins. The toxins pass out of our body from various points of discharge. The production of toxins is an automatic and natural process of our body systems. The whole system works naturally, but once we increase the burden of toxins , on our organs, by inducting toxins from the medicines, these organs suffer , since they do have to work more to pass the toxins through. Thus various systems of our bodies start being tired of overworking. This overworking of all organs, are one of the main reasons of our so many sicknesses. The sickness first show signs on the spot or organ which happens to be the weakest in our body.  It differs from person to person. Again some more medicines,further  increase burden on our organs, and the next weaker organ of our body start giving signals of being sick. Thus a chain of intermitting complaints of sickness starts. We feel ourselves cured of one sickness by using some prescribed medicines. But in fact the chain of interlinking actions and reactions inside our body continues. We do not know how we have overburdened our inner organs, and all of a sudden one day we start complaining about some other sickness. We never think of linking the two sicknesses. Our doctors never tell us this. Why?

The present day medicines in general help our immune system , in getting rid of some sickness. These medicines can thus be considered as the foreign soldiers whom we have invited to help our soldiers to defend our borders. But how long? We must try to build a system that we would not be needing this foreign military help at the time of need. We must try to strengthen our own defence mechanism.

Let i continue with the same example, just to understand the situation. The arrival of the foreign forces always make a negative psychological effects on the local soldiers. They become used to asking for the foreign help at the time of need. They get used to this practice, and suffer strong downfall in their own efficiency. They become lazy .

This is exactly what happens to our immune system (internal defence mechanism of our bodies), when we ask for foreign help (medicines) again and again.

The only way out is to train our soldiers. We must force our soldiers to strictly adhere the military drills. They must be forced to obey the orders. They must sleep and wake up at the assigned timings. They must be ever ready to meet any foreign threat at the first stage.

We must discipline our lives to make our immune soldier as strong and efficient as a perfect soldier.

We must now think, do we need foreign soldiers to defend our borders and our soldiers remain lazy and efficient, or you want to put your soldiers through strict military drills. This is what i call disciplining our lives.

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