Saturday 24 March 2012


For the last half an hour i am trying to get this new blog created. Apparently, it appears quite easy to start posting in a blog. Before today i had already created four blogs. but qyite much time has passed. So as i tried to create a new blog today, offfffffffff i simply found it too difficult.

I accept i am not just a slow learner, but frankly i do never find myself inclined to learn something technical, May it be fixing of the electric bulb or taking care of the car which all of a sudden stopped working. I simply dont want to learn such stuff.

I am successful that i have been always finding a way out in the difficult situations. I always find someone to help me out of the difficult situations. For example, my wife is always kind enough to take care of the car. May it be taking the car to the mechanic or getting it routine inspection done by the traffic department. She is always there, because she has learnt that she cannot get it done by me. The only thing that i do , regarding the car, is to sit on the driving seat and drive. Nothing more than that. I am much lucky that frequently my wife offers me a seat in the car, as she perhaps a better driver than myself. In fact i am too happy that she is a better driver.

But i am as good husband as she is a good wife. I do frequently help her washing the dishes. I think i can do that sort of work. I usually wash the plates and dishes after the dinner is over. But frequentky i have noticed that she once again washes the same plates and dishes. I dont know why. I tried to find out the answer to this, and the only logical answer that i could find was that she is a hardworker.

I am lucky that i have got children. They all are hardworker like my wife. They have learnt that they too have to help me out of difficult situations. For example i am quite weak in digging into various sites on internet. My children are not like me. They are hardworking. They always come to my help whenever i fail to get myself registered in some dating sites. They are all very helpful. For example i did not know that theres something called Google Translate. They told me. So now i can even have beautiful friends in Puerto Rico ,Portugal and in so many non=english speaking countries. I am lucky. with the help of my children and wife i have succeeded in coming in touch with so many beautiful girls round the globe.

At first i had found even chatting difficult. You know i am a slow learner. But my children are not like that. They do care about there father. They worked hard to teach me the fine points of chatting. However the biggest problem that i face while finding new friends on dating sites, is to reply to any girl. looking for a husband. Such girls usually ask me as to why am i on the dating sites. when i do not want to date anyone and am happily married. At such crucial moments , again my wife comes to my help, and takes me out of the difficulty by chatting with them, mostly on webcam, and explain to them, that all that her husband (myself)wants is to let people read my online novel and comment on my paintings and sketches.. My wife is so hardworking that at times , when she finds me busy in something else, she do chat with my girlfriends on m,y behalf. She is too kind and hardworking, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Oh!!!!!!!!!! what a wonderful family you got. your wife is source of inspiration and a blessing to you and motherhood on this generation. One in a million, a reliable wave in the ocean, what a wonderful mother to even your friends, a great friend to behold. Well, the big part of it is you are a good man.................. Kedibone.
